2017 Nightmare Fuel Day 1

We were once made of endless time. We gathered together to hum the year long welcome. The sun was our companion and the seasons familiar excitement across our surface.

Then came the humans, who burned our woodland, dug into our mature planet. Each parasite made babies to fill our blood vessels and harvest our children like little nuggets of pleasure laying around just for them. By the time we could target one of their leaders, it already died, replaced with someone even more cruel and quick.

We were once majestic. The everlasting crust protecting the molten core of our mother. We directed our own life cycles. We shared memories between continents, and sang to the stars.

Now they ride us for amusement, and play with us as currency. They mock us with their ‘tall structures’, shape us into weak skeletons of our former glory. They hide us in their walls, as if we were the vermin. They pound us into weapons, then then melt us into computers.

They use us without knowing each fingertip is remembered, each bloodline hunted. If they do not burn out in a blaze of their own making, we will smolder them unto death, and the world will be ours once again.


About Kary

I write many things, prose, poems, flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and novels. Feedback welcome. View all posts by Kary

One response to “2017 Nightmare Fuel Day 1

  • darthgaul

    I love the story and this sentence in particular:

    “Each parasite made babies to fill our blood vessels and harvest our children like little nuggets of pleasure laying around just for them.”

    That and incredibly descriptive sentence.

    On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Kary’s Nightmare Fuel wrote:

    > Kary posted: “We were once made of endless time. We gathered together to > hum the year long welcome. The sun was our companion and the seasons > familiar excitement across our surface. Then came the humans, who burned > our woodland, dug into our mature planet. Each parasi” >

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