2017 Nightmare Fuel Day 22


Price 253,300gp; Aura strong Abjuration; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.

Alignment neutral good; Senses 120 ft., darkvision

Intelligence 20; Wisdom 14; Charisma 16; Ego 39

Language Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial, Gnome, Sylvan

This wooden mask is carved from the heart of an ancestor tree, in the ancient forest during the First Age of Elves. It fits snug to its wearers face without extra straps, and shifts to recreate a pleasing outward representation of the wearer’s face. Via the telepathy it shares with its wielder, the mask has a list of numbered rules or maxims covering different situations and quotes them when appropriate, often referring back to Nethys, knowledge, and kindness. In quieter moments, the mask asks how things taste and smell, being a mask it can’t quite distinguish the everyday experiences of food. The mask also is afraid of the dark, and insists on at least dim light at all times, even while it’s stored.

Legends speak of the Mask of the Woodland Goddess being created by two wizards who were best friends, and they became bitter enemies. One believed in helping others, lifting them up, teaching everyone gave the greatest scope for Nethys. The other believed the most effective way to follow Nethys was to gather personal power. They each created an intelligent mask, and they remained rivals, equals and opposites. No one has seen the Dark Goddess mask in eons, which is not surprising. The Woodland Goddess mask refuses to speak of it’s twin, or of its own creation.

The mask rewards its wearer, and sometimes the wearer’s party, by casting beneficial spells. The closer to the ideals of Nethys the wearer (plus party) follows, the more spells it uses. It also fervently rewards those that are kind to those of less power, in poverty, or those who seek true redemption.

The mask has vast experiences and has collected knowledge for a long time. It has +15 Knowledge History, and +10 Knowledge Arcana.

Unusually, the intelligent mask is adept at hiding its magical nature, a special power granted from Nethys, and can use magic aura at will.

The mask can read script in any language, regardless of its known languages.

The mask can read magical writings and scrolls as if through read magic. This ability does not allow the mask to activate scrolls or other items. It can suppress and resume this ability as a free action.

The mask can cast arcane mark at will, and uses it often to mark those it approves, or particular targets it wants to focus on. (The mask’s version of arcane mark has a range of 10 feet, instead of touch.)

The mask can cast shield 3/day, and can choose whether to include the wearer, or just itself.

The mask can cast protection from evil, communal 1/day. If the party, or certain party members, share the ideals of the mask, it will urge the wearer to gather them to benefit from this spell.

The mask can cast stunning barrier, greater 1/day, and can choose whether to include the wearer, or just itself.

The mask can cast a stoneskin 1/day, and can choose whether to include the wearer, or just itself.

The most valuable and sought after gift the mask provides, only to those that are true to kindness, fighting evil, collecting magical knowledge, and wielding magic with great skill, the mask can cast true resurrection 1/month.



Unknown cost, or construction spells.

About Kary

I write many things, prose, poems, flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and novels. Feedback welcome. View all posts by Kary

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